Most Important Muscle to Train is Your Heart!
We all have different reasons to not exercise, to exercise, and different methods to achieve our different goals; but we should have one common goal in our lives…to live longer! "Let that sink in for a moment!"
Now, let’s continue. It’s great to look better, get stronger, run faster, jump higher etc. but, my friends, don’t lose sight of the consequences of cutting corners. NEVER cut corners in your training by taking something you were told will help you with any or all of the above without first researching what you plan to take; don’t be naïve about supplementation’s potential consequences at the expense of your heart. Take care of it now, and it will take care of you later! Next let’s talk about the heart: Your heart is the most important muscle in your body and like any muscle it needs exercise to make it stronger. A strong heart can pump more efficiently. When you add exercise into your daily schedule, you are helping to control or reduce your risk for stroke and heart disease, which are the leading cause of death in the United States. One of the best things you can do for your heart is a combination of cardio and resistance training because it uses oxygen to meet energy demands. Do a type of continuous exercise that increases your heart and breathing rate and uses large muscles such as your arms and/or legs. That is the goal of our Training Program. Our program combines the benefit of raising the heart rate of cardio training and the strengthening of resistance training. We'll make your body change quickly by applying the same concept to our training as runners/athletes by having each workout done at a different pace, different number of repetitions and length of workout. This creates Muscle Confusion keeping the body shocked and the mind fresh for fast results. To learn how to train your heart and your body, contact us today. |